Monday, October 18, 2010

No Is Every 2 Year Olds Favorite Word

At work today a sweet little girl made my life hell. She was loud and obnoxious. She was yelling, screaming and singing. She was flirting with whoever would make eye contact with her. Just a general menace to my ears. 

It must be said - I work in a restaurant - it's already pretty loud - so to have a baby being that loud - you would have been annoyed too. 

She flirted with me for a while. Her Mom and Grandma thought she was the cutest thing alive - and she was pretty cute - but not cute enough to get away with all that she was doing. They ate their lunch leisurely secure in the fact that she was not bored - therefore not upset and throwing a fit.

They looked at her like I'm sure we all look at our kids - when we think they are being cute.

I was polite and asked how old she was. 

When they told me 2 - I thought now that makes sense. 

But the more I thought about it the more I wanted to weep.

My daughter is 3 - she will never again be 2 - she will never again be so capitvated by the sound of her own voice. She will never again be able to entertain her self just by making noises with her mouth and smiling at people. 

She will never again be able to entertain herself while I eat dinner...I must constantly be answering her questions and looking where ever her chubby fingers are pointing. 

At 3 she is almost a fully formed person. She understands that when she talks - you should be listening - and bless your heart if you don't - she will let you know by loudly saying - TALK TO ME. She must be constantly entertained and taught how to do stuff. She not only wants to do most things for herself - she really can do most things for herself.

She is constantly in motion barely looking where she going and doesn't really have time for cuddling anymore. 

Everyone says that time goes by so fast but you never really notice until someone else brings their baby near you and you start to realize how big your own children are getting.

The good news is that while she isn't 2 - at least she isn't 2 - I can reason with her and instead of every question being answered in a big fat NO - I only get that half of the time now. 

Do you see the change in your kids everyday or do you notice it only when the changes are thrown in your face by a loud 2 year old?

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