Friday, October 22, 2010

I think I might have fallen in love with a new man.

I know I know you might be thinking that this is way to soon - that as a Mother of 4 and wife of almost 10 years that I shouldn't even be looking for love.

But he's everywhere and is making it hard to ignore him. He's making sure that even if he's not living here he's remaining a part of our lives.

But he's been showing up at my door everyday for the past week. He's been showing interest in my kids and getting his hands dirty with me in this business that we run of raising our gang.

He even got elbow deep in a couple of pumpkins the other day while late for work - this was a major jaw dropper as he grew up as an only child to work-o-lic parents who were fastidious about keeping him clean and tidy.

He has taken to remaining positive, showing empathy and being a gentleman and an gentle man. He's shown humility and understanding. He's making time to spend with us while still taking care of the things that are important to this family like paying the bills and securing our home loan.

He is researching online ways to parent my children in a way that will make himself and them better. He is open to advice and direction. He is making appointments with counselors and getting information about parenting classes. 

The biggest change though has left me a little puzzled. Instead of arguing about whose right and whose wrong - he is all about making sure that arguments are resolved, feelings are left unharmed and we all feel loved, safe and happy.

It's a refreshing change and my heart wants to leap right back into the way that we were but know that treading lightly right now is the best move.

photo credit 

1 comment:

  1. Phew, this is great news!!! Hope you all have a great weekend :)
